Pre-school Sessions & Fees
Pre-School Fees 2024/2025
Fees are payable within the first two weeks of each half-term. Fees continue to be payable if a child is absent, but in cases of prolonged absence, parents should consult with the office. One half term’s notice is required before a child stops attending Potton Pre-School.
If a child should be withdrawn from attending pre-school at short notice, the parent/carer will be required to pay for the sessions booked for their child until the end of that half term. For funded children, this will result in being charged the unfunded rate for the notice period.
We offer Government funding for eligble two year olds and all three and four year olds. Children will become funded the term after they turn three years old. Where two or more siblings attend the pre-school at the same time, the second child will receive a sibling discount of 20%.
We also accept two year old funding and 30 hours funding if we have spaces available.
Session Fees 2024/2025
Unfunded Morning Session (8.45am to 11.45am - £17.13
Unfunded Afternoon Session (12.30pm to 3.30pm) - £17.13
Lunch Club - £3.90
Contribution Fee 2024/2025
The funding we receive is unfortunately insufficient to cover all of our costs therefore we charge a contributiuon fee per funded session. This money is spent on consumables such as additional snack, outside activity groups, malleable materials, cooking ingredients and will go towards covering the cost of all other activities and resouces we use to support your children in setting.
Funded Morning Session (8.45am to 11.45am) - £3.30 per session
Funded Afternoon Session (12.30pm to 3.30pm - £3.30 per session
Funded All Day - £6.60 per day.
Why do settings need to charge a contribution fee?