Our Committee
Our preschool is managed by a parent-run Committee who meet monthly to support the pre-school management team in all aspects of the pre-school and The Nest.
We help with staffing, resources, accounts, fundraising events, HR, Health & Safety, statutory compliance and we have been known to grab a paintbrush and help with the decorating too!!
If you would like to be involved in shaping the way the setting works and ensure that it continues to thrive in our community, please let us know. Our meeting dates are listed on the 'Parent Notice Board' at the front of the building so you are welcome to come along and find out how you can join and begin to help make a difference. New members can join at any time of the year but most join as part of the nomination process during the AGM in November.
You can contact us at any time by email pps.committee@btconnect.com
Our Committee Team Academic Year 2024/2025
Hannah Salmon - Chair
Elizabeth Sewell - Treasurer
Ceri Robinson - Secretary
General Committee Members:
Sophie Parker
Christine Dunne
Holly Sauble